Friday 5 September 2014


Hey guys, Rob here.

So I know I've completely missed my opportunity to be helpful to any of you readers out there going away for the summer because summer is kind of over. Gutted! Everyone has been on holiday and now is the time to go back to school / uni / work / life and get on with things. So instead of this post being what books you should take on holiday with you, I'll be showing what books I plan to read on my holiday because SUMMER ISN'T OVER FOR ME... just yet.

On Sunday I head to Salou, Spain for a week with 11 uni friends. To say I'm excited is an understatement, and I'm sure those who have been lucky enough to holiday abroad know of such excitement. I intend to spend many days by the pool / sea / cocktails, reading. So here are the books I plan to take away with me and read whilst I'm there.