Friday, 29 May 2015


Hi everyone, so this is a different type of post and it is most definitely not a review. I hope you can forgive me. 

I know I haven't been posting regularly on my blog, but I simply have not been reading very much, and whilst I have been watching a lot of films and TV, it's not really anything new. I've recently been re-watching a lot of disney films at the moment, and that banner above may give you a massive clue as to why.

My countdown as of 29th May 
So, context! Back in 2013 I applied for a Disney College Program called the Cultural Exchange. The program consists of around 10 weeks working in Disney World Resort in Florida. If you wish to know more about the program, I'll attach a link here for details. Anyway, after passing the initial stages of an online application and a pre-screen interview in Manchester, I was ultimately placed on a waitlist after my final interview in London. Needless to say it never happened and I was stuck with a summer of volunteering in a charity shop (which I did love) and working at my uni on open days. I decided to reapply in 2014 in case I hadn't anything lined up for after graduation, and luckily this time I was successful!

So on the 9th June 2015, I will be a Cast Member at Disney World until the 14th August. Therefore, posts on here may be few and may consist more about my experience over in the U.S. I also intend to travel for 11 days after I've finished and I'm in need of travel suggestions. Also, if you are visiting Orlando this summer, don't forget to come and say hi! I don't know where I'm working yet but will post sometime soon. 

I intend to maybe film my experience over on my youtube channel, but if not don't be surprised by updates on my blog. I'm mainly doing this so I can look back over it once I leave, but if it helps in getting the program heard so others give it a go, that can't be a bad thing.

Thanks for reading this different kind of post! 

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