Title: Wonder
Author: R.J. Palacio
Genre:YA / Middle-Grade
Published by: Random House
Originally Published: 2012
Page Count: 310
"WONDER is the funny, sweet and incredibly moving story of Auggie Pullman. Born with a terrible facial abnormality, this shy, bright ten-year-old has been home-schooled by his parents for his whole life, in an attempt to protect him from the stares and cruelty of the outside world. Now, for the first time, Auggie is being sent to a real school - and he's dreading it. The thing is, Auggie's just an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face. But can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, underneath it all?" (taken from goodreads)
I picked this book up at my local library due to recommendation of a friend and the ever-growing booktube community that have garnered much praise around it. I started hesitantly but grew to become fairly fond of this book.
The characters in this book are incredibly well-thought out, it's nice to read a perspective from someone younger than who I normally read about. But the book does not just have August's perspective, but many people who interact with him throughout his first year at middle school. His sister Via probably has the most thought-provoking narrative and perspective, she offers another view to August's story, one that is in itself rather sad at first, but also rather wonderful. It was a great idea on the author's part to divide perspectives to gain a real sense of the world 'Auggie' is living in. I wish we had a perspective perhaps from one of those people who had taunted August, but this was not to be.
The writing of this book is very simple, but that is to be expected, in part due to its younger characters, but also its audience. I would probably recommend this for a younger audience, those in middle school themselves, not necessarily for me. But that does not mean I did not appreciate this book.
I won't say too much because not only has a lot been said already by many reviewers alike, but this book is such an easy read that I think you should make up your own mind as always.
Definitely worth a read; it has its touching moments and heart in abundance. ★★★★☆.